Friday, April 3, 2009

Best Blogs by Literary Agents

Right now, I'm knee deep in the Literary Agent quest. The novel is being reviewed by a few agents in New York, and I'm waiting to see where my future lies.

I need to get started on writing the next novel, but I keep tweaking the opening to the last book, constantly trying to find a way to make in unputdownable. (that's a word right, to not be able to be put down? Anyways, it is now.)

In the meantime, as I've been browsing so many agents pages, I thought I'd share with you this list that came from the Guide To Literary Agents site. It's a very informative, helpful list of insider information. Hope it helps you on your quest. This is the list of the Writer's Digest 5 best agent blog pages.

1. Pub Rants

Denver-based agent Kristin Nelson of Nelson Literary has kept this blog up for several years, and has covered just about every topic - contracts, queries, book covers, you name it. It's one of the best all-around agent blogs out there.

2. Nathan Bransford

Sure he looks young, but Nathan, an agent at Curtis Brown in San Francisco, knows a lot about publishing, and his blog is wide in scope. He hosts small contests, talks queries, discusses the craft of writing, keeps writers' spirits up, and does it all blogging through the night. Each week, he has a roundup news post that links to dozens of stories and happenings in the publishing world.

3. Rachelle Gardner

Rachelle, at Wordserve, hasn't been agenting that long - just two years or so, and her blog was very new last year when it ended up on our 101 short list. So why did we include it last year? Because we saw potential and wisdom, and Rachelle has only upped the ante by blogging more and more. Although she specializes in Christian/inspirational works, her advice is universal and practical - dissecting book proposals and sharing query tips.

4. Query Shark

There are more "query critique" sites now, but this site was one of the first and still the best. Agent Janet Reid of FinePrint Literary invites writers to submit queries for dissection and criticism/praise. If you wonder what a query looks like - or, more so, what a good query looks like, just visit Query Shark.
The site isn't updated as often as the others on this list, but there's a reason for that. (See No. 5)

5. Janet Reid

That's right. Janet Reid runs not only the Query Shark blog but also her own blog about agenting and publishing. She talks about all things agenting and publishing, and her brutal-honesty style is like no other.

Although there was only room for five, there are several other great agent blogs to visit. Off the top of my head, I would encourage you to visit The Swivet (Colleen Lindsay of FinePrint), Dystel & Goderich (a community agent blog), and BookEnds.


Lindsey said...

Thanks for this.

I love your blog and I've recommended it to my aspiring author friends. You've been very generous sharing all these writing tips and I've found it extremely helpful while writing my thriller.

I've nominated you for the Writer's Digest’s 101 Best Sites for Writers.

Here's what I emailed them:

"This blog is very concise, regularly updated with tips and insight about writing, and his progress on writing a medical thriller. I find that there's very little wasted space in this blog. He's obviously read many 'how to write' books and he's distilled all the best tips from each in this blog, very handy!"

Anonymous said...

Hi there Todd ...

Very happy to have found your blog - so good to get all this information and advice in a clear, straightforward manner for once.

I'll be doing a lot of reading here!


racer said...

Lindsey and Jonas,

Thank you both for such kind words. It does mean a lot to me. I started this blog to help me get my own thoughts down as I was going through the revisions of my novel, thinking that maybe I could share some information with some people in the process. It does my heart good to know that in some way, I've done that.

I have tons more to share on many topics, and hope to walk people through the publication process as my novel progresses. I'll try to highlight the joys and pitfalls, so perhaps you can learn from my mistakes or my triumphs.

Thanks again.